I miss writing daily. And, here’s how I’m planning to start again.

After publishing 100+ stories

Noman Shaikh
2 min readDec 19, 2022
Photo by laura adai on Unsplash

The year 2022 started on a high note in terms of publishing more often. I published a lot more than I had in 2021. And, the efforts paid off well.

My highest-paying client ever is a result of a medium story I wrote in January 2022. The same medium story helped me bag another client recently.

But here’s where things went a little off…

I got too busy with client work.

In July, I started working full-time with a SaaS startup as head of content.

It was a massive learning experience. I managed a team of 13 writers, provided them with briefs, edited their work, worked closely with SEO guys, and upskilled myself. But I missed writing for myself.

Once my contract ended, I had my hands-on with my client, and then just a few days later, I had another new client.

Boy, I’ve been feeling bad about not writing for myself.

As I’m writing this, it is 19th December 22. And, I’m excited to get my game on again.

I’ve decided to start with publishing 250 words 6 days a week or one long-form newsletter once a week. Not much clear about that. Yet to decide and get to specifics.

But I’m clear about one thing. I’m going to start my game again, and start it with an accountability group.

About the accountability group…

This won’t be just a normal accountability group. It will be cohort-based learning on digital writing.

There will be 10–15 participants (I already have 4 folks interested to join in just by the idea of value I plan to share here).

We will be meeting every alternate day, discussing the different strategies for idea generation, audience building, writing structures, viral writing, writing for sales, writing for engagement, productivity as a writer and a lot more stuff around that.

It will be a closed circle thing, where we’ll help each other get better and I’ll be getting better with the group members.

Super excited about this.

This was meant to be just an update about the plan, but if it excites you about joining us, here’s the link to the form.

Please note: Not all will be selected as I plan this for a small group.



Noman Shaikh

Copywriter & Marketing Consultant | Crazy about psychology and human behaviour | Web: sillycopies.com